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Pakistan ACCA students in Pakistan

Pakistan .. ACCA students and affiliates salary and career survey 2012   ACCA students in Pakistan are attractive to employers and able to move between roles, organisations and sectors. They are ambitious –keen to gain more senior positions and broaden their experiences. SALARIES AND BONUSES Just under half (45%) of students in Pakistan received a pay rise in the preceding 12 months, compared to 63% globally. Only 1% suffered a pay cut. Pay increases were more common in the public and corporate sectors and in financial services (54%, 57% and 57% respectively) than in public practice (25%). Only 24% of students in Pakistan received a bonus (against 50% globally). Among bonus recipients, 56% gained a bigger sum than in the previous year, and 61% saw their bonus increase by 6% or more, perhaps reflecting the relatively high inflation rate in Pakistan. Based on reported salaries, ACCA students and affiliates in Pakistan have good prospects, and can increase their earning power while they

KPMG is Hiring ACCA Affiliates Trainees

ooks like that KPMG Taseer Hadi and Company is still hiring ACCA qualified affiliates, but on condition that they entered through ICAP’s exemption route. According to their website link KPMG Taseer Hadi also invited ACCA affiliates to apply for training contract. Following is the text from their ‘career page’:..................full at ACCA Pakistan Online Trainee Application forms will be accepted from 7th September 2012. Eligibility Criteria APPLY

June 2012 session ACCA Qualification pass rates:

Results from the ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) examinations in June 2012 show that a record number of students have successfully completed their final exams. Candidates around the world took almost 370,000 papers, with 7,160 students successfully completing their final ACCA exams, representing a 13.4% increase on last session.  Pass rates have improved at the Fundamental level -  rising on average 2% over the previous December session. The pass rate of the F8 Audit and Assurance exam at 56% was significantly higher than in recent times. The results for F4 Corporate and Business law and that of F7 Financial Reporting were also strong this session. All other pass rates at the Fundamental level remained close to their historic averages.  At the Professional level, the results for the Essential papers remain strong. It was particularly pleasing that pass rates for each of the Options papers rose above those of December 2011, given that ACCA has l

How ACCA compare other bodies or master

 Answer by ACCA body ACCA stands apart from the rest for five significant reasons: Globally recognised qualifications Our reputation and influence are respected worldwide. Our qualifications are based on international accounting standards but we offer adapted papers in financial accounting and auditing, and papers that test local law and tax. So you can feel confident that you have a globally recognised qualification that is relevant locally too. Strong focus on professional ethics We are the only accountancy association with a mandatory professional ethics module as part of our ACCA Qualification exam syllabus.